- If I install antivirus, will my computer get autism?
- How exactly did Sir-Mix-A-Lot train his anaconda to survive on buns and voluntarily refuse all other options? Is this a healthy diet for a reptile?
- If I bought my balloon for $0.99, how much should I sell it for when I adjust for inflation?
- Why do so many people with laser hair want to get it removed?
- If the camera adds 10 pounds, could the NSA’s surveillance camera system be the cause of American obesity?
- Why are red-handed people more genetically predisposed to crime?
- How much iron does a sheep need in his diet for its wool to become steel?
- I am 22 years old and my eyesight is worsening, at what point do I get adult supervision?
- Why does glass taste like blood?
- If smoking is so bad, how does it cure salmon?
- My girlfriend says she needs time and distance. Is she calculating velocity?
- If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do they all drown?
- Why do mirrors look like eyeballs way up close?
« hehe
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